I am looking at the GEO entry (GSE246717) for the scRNA-seq data in the Allen Brain Cell Atlas. There are several hypothalmic tissue samples identified by abbreviations not used in the Allen Mouse Brain Common Coordinate Framework version 3 (CCFv3), and I was hoping for clarification as to their identity. They are:
HY - HYa1
HY - HYa2
HY - HYm2
HY - HYml
HY - HYmm
HY - HYpl
HY - HYpm
Hello, thank you for the question. This forum is for Allen Institute for Cell Science data and tools. Because your question is related to the Brain Atlas, I think your question should be directed to the Allen Brain Community Discussion forum here: https://community.brain-map.org/. Thanks!
I really can’t figure out how to navigate all your forums, etc., so just feel free to close this. Big waste of time.